Oral Presentation HUPO 2019 - 18th Human Proteome Organization World Congress

GlyGen: Computational and Informatics Resources for Glycoscience Data Integration (67089)

Matthew P Campbell 1 , GlyGen Consortium 2 3
  1. Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
  2. Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine, George Washington University, Washington , DC, USA
  3. Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

GlyGen (https://www.glygen.org) is an international glycoinformatics effort whose goal is to overcome the lack of tools available to collect, organise, integrate and display key relationships linking glycan structures, their molecular context, and their biological expression to other biomolecular information.  GlyGen addresses key glycobiology questions that can currently be answered only by extensive literature-based research and manual collection of data from disparate resources. To achieve this task the project is integrating and exchanging up-to-date glycobiology-related information and data with partnering data sources including EMBL-EBI, NCBI, UniProt, UniCarbKB, GlyTouCan amongst others. These datasets are grouped into different categories (source, annotations, etc.) and are accompanied with detailed documentation (in text and JSON format) to describe the source, usability, and the integration process. The accumulation of data has led to the creation of a web portal to search and browse all available collections. In addition to providing direct access to the integrated datasets, users can also access GlyGen data programmatically through RESTful web service-based APIs (https://api.glygen.org) and in the future a SPARQL (https://sparql.glygen.org) endpoint. In this presentation, an overview of GlyGen will be provided including the availability of data collections, quality control mechanisms, biocuration efforts, and on-going developments to build an intuitive user interface. Researchers interested in integrating their data into GlyGen can reach out to us using our contact page (https://www.glygen.org/contact.html).

  1. Campbell, Matthew P., et al. "UniCarbKB: building a knowledge platform for glycoproteomics." Nucleic acids research 42.D1 (2013): D215-D221.
  2. Tiemeyer, Michael, et al. "GlyTouCan: an accessible glycan structure repository." Glycobiology 27.10 (2017): 915-919.
  3. Kim, Sunghwan, et al. "PubChem 2019 update: improved access to chemical data." Nucleic acids research 47.D1 (2018): D1102-D1109.
  4. Natale, Darren A., et al. "Protein Ontology (PRO): enhancing and scaling up the representation of protein entities." Nucleic acids research 45.D1 (2016): D339-D346.
  5. UniProt Consortium. "UniProt: the universal protein knowledgebase." Nucleic acids research 46.5 (2018): 2699.
  6. Ranzinger, Rene, et al. "GlycoRDF: an ontology to standardize glycomics data in RDF." Bioinformatics 31.6 (2014): 919-925.